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3-2 Final Project One Milestone One Draft of Introduction and Financial Position

3-2 Final Project One Milestone One Draft of Introduction and Financial Position

Q This milestone will give you the opportunity to reflect on why you chose your sport organization. You will learn more about your organization by developing a basic profile and deciphering the organizational missions and goals. As you work on this milestone, be sure to review and address all of your instructor's feedback from your Module One journal assignment. In Milestone One, you will also have an opportunity to apply what you have learned in Module Two about finances to your chosen sport organization. Milestone One provides you with an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate in your Final Project One submission. To complete this assignment, review the following documents: • Final Project One Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric • Final Project One Guidelines and Rubric SPT 200 Final Project One Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In this assignment, you will introduce the organization that you have selected for Final Project One: Sport Organization Research Paper. You will also research the organization’s financial position. Prompt: Submit a draft of the Introduction and Financial Position sections of Final Project One. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction A. Explain your interest in your organization and why you chose it, addressing its appeal both to you personally and to a wider audience. For example, you could explain how your organization exemplifies wider trends or issues in the field. B. Create a basic profile of your organization and the business environment in which it operates. Be sure to include enough detail to be able to use it as support in the rest of your paper. C. Identify the organizational mission and goals, explaining how they relate to the details in the basic profile you created. You will refer back to these throughout your paper. II. Financial Position A. Explain the historical and current financial positions of your organization. Provide examples to illustrate. B. Identify any untapped revenue streams that your organization might consider, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations. Cite specific evidence that supports your position. C. Devise reasonable cost-saving strategies that your organization might employ, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations. Cite specific evidence that supports your position. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should be 2 to 3 pages in length and should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Interest Explains interest in organization and why it was chosen, addressing its appeal both personally and to a wider audience Explains interest in organization and why it was chosen, addressing its appeal, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies Does not explain interest in organization 10 Introduction: Basic Profile Creates a basic profile of the organization and the business environment in which it operates, including sufficient details to support paper Creates a basic profile of the organization and the business environment in which it operates, but does not include sufficient details for supporting paper Does not create a basic profile of the organization 10 Introduction: Mission and Goals Identifies the organizational mission and goals, explaining how they relate to the details in the basic profile of the organization Identifies the organizational mission and goals, explaining how they relate to the basic profile of the organization, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies Does not identify the organizational mission and goals or explain how they relate to the basic profile of the organization 10 Financial Position: Historical and Current Explains the organization’s historical and current financial positions, providing examples to illustrate Explains the organization’s historical and current financial positions but does not provide illustrative examples Does not explain the historical and current financial position of the organization 20 Financial Position: Revenue Identifies untapped revenue streams, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations, and supports discussion with specific evidence Identifies untapped revenue streams, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations, but discussion is not supported with specific evidence or contains inaccuracies Does not identify sources of untapped revenue 20 Financial Position: Cost-Saving Strategies Devises reasonable cost-saving strategies, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations, and supports the discussion with specific evidence Devises reasonable cost-saving strategies, discussing any relevant legal or regulatory considerations, but discussion is not supported by specific evidence or contains inaccuracies Does not devise reasonable cost-saving strategies or discuss relevant legal or regulatory considerations 20 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%

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Nike has been chosen for researching in the following paper by me because of my level of high brand-loyalty for this organization. The pandemic situation has made the running of branded as well as non-branded organizations to become extremely difficult and impossible for some businesses. The transition in the financial conditions and financial decisions of Nike during this situation of crisis will be interesting for the brand-loyal customers to become aware of. This is because this crisis situation had been a situation of challenges faced by the branded organization. The employee-retention strategies of Nike will be important to identify because there can be aspiring organizations getting motivated to retain employees in pandemic situations in future like Nike. The fulfilling or not fulfilling of customized requirements of customers during the pandemic situation by Nike will be necessary to know for the brand-loyal customers of the organization. There are specific trends of shoes and clothes marketed and promoted for different ages of customers by Nike (Lee et al., 2020). These trends can be important factors for the fluctuations in the financial position of Nike. The business environment of Nike is filled with branded competitors for which the maintenance of consistency in high levels of quality of the Nike products can be important (Lee et al., 2020). There is presence of intense level of competition in the sports apparel, sports footwear and sports accessories industry in which Nike operates. Product-safety as well as durability of every product manufactured by the organization can be considered to be most important for the organization and its customers (Waymer & Logan, 2021). There is uniqueness in the design of the logo, tagline and types of products manufactured specifically for fitness (Lee et al., 2020). The activities associated with the production of the products of Nike are outsourced to diversified companies in international locations (Lee et al., 2020). The mission of the organization is to ensure that every customer is offered with products filled with technology considered to be of cutting-edge quality (Waymer & Logan, 2021). There is inclusion of all ages of customers by Nike to design and produce products (Waymer & Logan, 2021). That is why every customer of every different age can trust Nike to offer him or her with a uniquely customized product for different purposes. The organizational goal of Nike is to ensure that there can be convenience provided to every global athlete with offering of innovative products for every athlete to practice and play sports activities comfortably (Lee et al., 2020). No customer is disrespected by Nike for which the athletic capabilities of every athlete are already identified and assumed to be present by Nike (Waymer & Logan, 2021). There has to be adherence shown by Nike to every principle and regulation included in environmental law to not make the environment harmful for human beings.